We are just your average, middle aged couple in Charlotte NC. We have a great life here. Our daughter, Melissa graduated from college a year ago and is living and working independantly as a nurse. She went with us to the Dominican Republic in February 2007 (see picture below)
We had a wonderful cottage in Plaza Midwood neighborhood, where we had dreamed of living for many years. Cindy is a school nurse and Greg works in the IT department in the Public Library system. We have been taking week-long mission trips to the Dominican Republic for 2 years, building latrines and working with the people living in a Haitian community called a Batey.
Last February, we felt a nudge to come down for a year and try to do a blitz on latrine building. The nudge became a conversation with the Sisters working there, which turned into an application to spend a year as a volunteer, which became a committment to a year in the Dominican Republic.
We are working with the Sisters of the Holy Child Jesus through their Lay Volunteer organization called Response-Ability. We aren't exactly sure what we will be doing, but we envision that Greg will be working to build latrines and Cindy will be working in the small clinic in the Batey. Stay tuned to see how our job descriptions evolve!!
We have sold our home, put our "stuff" in storage and are living with our wonderful friends (aka family!) Madge and Steve Daly. (See the Dalys below)
Our last days of work are coming up at the end of August. We have spent 2.5 weeks in training with the Maryknoll Lay Missioners in New York and with the Response-Ability group in Philadelphia. Our flight for Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic leaves on September 7.
Our church family, St. Luke Catholic Church, in Mint Hill, NC is supporting us in this journey. We are so grateful to them and all our friends and family for all their love, prayers and financial support of the projects in the Batey.
This blog site will serve as a journal documentation of the upcoming year. We have no idea what this year will bring, but we hope to keep you all on the journey with us through pictures and stories.
Welcome to Greg and Cindy's Most Excellent Adventure!!!
just saw in the bulletin that you will have this blog to share your adventures in the DR ... you know that you'll be missed by all of us but, as you should be fully aware, our thoughts and prayers will accompany you as you travel on this journey ... love ya! ... and God bless!
(p.s. I want to be just like you two when I grow up!)
Greg and Cindy,
What a wonderful site and a great way to keep us all up to date on your work and how we can be of assistance!
We're so excited to hear about how this adventure unfolds and I know that many gifts will be shared between the residents of the Batey and you and vice versa.
We'll be praying for you!
Steph, Tom and Jessica
Let me the first to comment on this crazy, amazing and honorable journey you are about to embark on! I love you both unconditionally, support you always and miss you already. Here's to a year of possibility and change! XOXO ~Missy
Hi Greg,
I wrote a note this morning after I had spoken to you and was unable to get it to the publishing mode. But I shall try again. Pretty neat how this is set up, now we can keep in touch with you and Cindy when you're in the DR. Take care and Loveya,
here you go again... my favorite sojourners following the light, to where they are called. Not only are your steps guided but your tomorrow's are secure because you know Jesus is already there. And just like the cell phone commercial where the person is followed by a mass of network people to support them, your church family St. Luke is with you each day in prayer and love. Your roots are solid and your network of hearts and prayers are solid. Peace & blessings, Stephen & Janie
my heroes
stay strong
Cindy and Greg,
Wishing you blessings on your new adventure!!
Will be "listening" to your DR experiences via the blog.
Keep smiling.
Gay Loesch
You guys are an insperation to all of us!
You will be missed in RCIA this year - especially with someone like me trying to fill your shoes! Things just won't be the same without your spirit and insightful thoughts.
I am sure the time you spend there will be fruitful and I am sure you will have an impact on the physical and spiritual lives of everyone you meet.
I will be checking your blog regularly, and my prayers will be with you constantly!
Cindy & Greg,
You are such an inspiration! I will be praying for you and checking in your blog!
Pat Froneberger
God speed and traveling prayers as you begin this new adventure!
Chris Bates, PLCMC
You left this morning :(
My heart goes with you on this journey! ust know that we will be thinking and praying for you everyday and when you come home, we will be ready to roll up our sleeves and live the "simplier life" here in Charlotte!
Love and peace to you,
Linda and Michael
Greg & Cin, We are in awe of both of you, wish you peace and love and maybe a shower every now and then.
We will miss you at RCIA;at the Shelter, at VOTF, at Blanket Banquet lets see did I get it all.....?
Keep us posted
Ray & Phyllis
A great gift arrived in the DR today!
Unwrap it gently and gradually.
Enjoy each new surprise.
Blessings and Love
Listening to Father Jim at Mass today speak of all St. Luke's ministries and being called, all I could do was smile. Smile and think of the two of you.
This evening I started reading next weeks scriptures preparing for RCIA on Tuesday. The message is clearly about Foregiveness and our task to reconcile. The Mercy God extends to sinners, compassion and Gods Grace also come through loud and clear. Exodus then reminds us of the first commandment and that whole idol thing. How God is discouraged, hurt, angry and emotional.
And there the two of you are in our first reading in RCIA. Giving up your home, jobs – everything. To do Gods will. I know He’s as emotional as we are about your journey. Only this time it’s all the good emotions.
So you see, you may not physically be with us in RCIA this year, but you will always be with us. In our hearts, thoughts, prayers and in the scriptures we read.
I know that He lives when I think of you.
Hi Greg and Cindy,
We are thinking of you and hoping that you have arrived in DR safely and that you are there in your cozy little room.
The blog looks good and we are hoping that you will have electricity so that we can keep in touch with you.
We both love you and are praying for your mission work there. Do take care and let us know how your trip was.
DAd wants to know how the "crappers" are coming along.
Love ya both, God Bless.
Mom and Dad
Cindy and Greg,
We hear that you arrived safe and sound and I guess it's off to the Batey in the morning. Hope you settled in made your "cozy" new digs a home. I'll be thinking of you tomorrow as you head out to work. We can't wait to hear about your work.
Greg and Cindy,
God Bless you both on your journey.
You are in my thoughts and prayers every day. I've been telling my kids about your good works. Hope it rubs off on all of us.
Jackie Leatherman,
St. Luke's parishoner
Greg and Cindy -
We're glad to hear that you arrived safely. You are in our thoughts and prayers daily. You are such an inspiration to all of us. God is with you, and so are the rest of us. Take good care, keep us posted, and peace be with you.
With love,
The Bublitz Family
Dad would want to know about the crappers! I on the other hand am more interested in the water situation. Hope you've started adjusting to your new life there. We miss you both already, praying for you daily, and taking very good care of the little blue car! Love you both!
I wanted you to know I was just praying for you guys. I know that I am not the only one.
Everyone is anxious to hear about your experiences!
Take Care!
Greg and Cindy,
We miss you, dear friends, but know you are experiencing God and your faith in a whole new way. Loved your entry about being thankful...you make us all aware of the many blessings we take for granted...Keep the stories coming, and know that you are lifted up in prayer every day by your friends and family here. God Bless!
Greg & Cindy,
You're in our thoughts & prayers -- we look forward to following your excellent adventure through this blog and email, so keep us updated and know that you are never alone!
cindy and greg,
i just logged on to your blog for the first time and seeing your faces brought tears to my eyes! we miss you around here! the neighborhood is not the same without seeing you on your daily walks. we think about you often and send our prayers and thoughts to you and to all at the batey. are there known needs yet that we can send supplies for?
miss you, patricia, brett and amelia connally
Cindy and Greg ... I know that you have a lot to be thankful for (other than the obvious) now that you're reunited with Melissa and Madge ... you continue in our prayers and thoughts ... having you two as friends is one of the top things for which I am grateful ... God bless and love ya!
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